Sunday 16 April 2017

Yoga challenge for beginners / yoga health tips

Hey everybody, it's Amber Karnes from body positive
and I'm here today to share a little yoga flow with you that's going to help
if you have any low back pain or hip pain going on.
I know a lot of you when you're pregnant you get lower back and hip pain
(a lot of us who aren't pregnant get that too), so this
particular sequence is gonna help you to you open the hips
and hopefully help with some of the low back pain you might be having. So the first thing
we're going to do is learn how to build a little tower
with some props that's going to keep us supported while we explore some
deep belly breathing and then we're going to lie on our backs for some hip
openers and then will move on to some other poses.
So of course as with any other exercise you wanna check with your doctor before you
do this -
whether you should lie on your back or not, which we will be doing for some
of the sequence.
So please make sure that all that is cleared before you start.
for this practice you need a bolster or
a couch cushion or really big firm pillow, you'll need two blocks
or big thick books or something like that, and you need a strap
or either a tie or a tie from a bathrobe or something long
that you can use a to make your arms longer.
So, gather your props and I'll see you on the mat!
Ok, so the first thing you're gonna do is build a little tower here. This is a a great
position for you to be in
if you're in savasana or if you just want to rest and breathe for a little
bit which were gonna do at the beginning of the practice.
What I like to do is take one block
on the high height and the other block long ways on the Lower height
and then take the bolster and lean it up against this little tower that you're
making here.
So you may have to play with it a little bit but feel like you get it in a place
where it's
kind of stable and then you're gonna
sit right in front of the bolster and then just lie back
onto the tower that you built. Now you can rest your hands on your belly
or if you have some blocks or something you can put under your arms so they're not
flailing out to the sides - or this might feel really good,
and you wanna try that. Okay so you built your tower
now come and sit your butt right in front of the bolster and
then go ahead and lie back,
so you're in a nice reclining position. I just have my knees bent
with soles of my feet on the mat. I'm going to take my hands and rest them on my thighs.
If this isn't comfortable what you can do is take your feet
together with the knees wide and then take
blocks and place them under the knees to support you.
Otherwise you can just bend your knees we're gonna be breathing here for a few
so just place your hands on your belly
close your eyes and just start to tune into your breath
maybe at first just noticing
what's happening with the breath, where do you feel it your body
where does it originate?
Do you feel like it's getting stuck anywhere?
Just observing those things, just noticing
without worrying too much about what that means or
if that's good or bad. The next time you draw breath
in through the nose just invite the breath to rise beneath your hands.
So breathe all the way down into the low belly
into that lower abdominal breathing space
and feel the belly rise
as you take an inhale breath and fall back down as you take an exhale breath.
what other sensations you might be able to feel - maybe your back pressing into
the bolster
or sit bones grounding down to the floor.
And just continue this deep belly breath for a few more rounds
really deeply inhaling filling the belly up
and then lightly draw then navel towards the spine when you exhale to draw all the air
out - contract the diaphragm before you reach for another inhale.
and then slowly flutter the eyes open
just bring your hands down to the mat we're gonna go ahead and sit up
so just press your hands down and bring yourself to upright.
we're gonna move the tower and then we'll come to lie on our backs and do a
few things there.
okay we're gonna lie on the floor and you want to have your strap handy.
so, just have that nearby
I've got my soles of my feet on the floor
my knees bent and you really wanna scoop your tail bone down toward your feet
so more of your back comes into contact with the floor.
place your hands on the floor
maybe widen the feet to almost the width of the mat and just crawl the feet a little bit
away from the butt
so you're not too crunched up. We're just gonna start a windshield wiper motion
with the legs, letting the knees drop down to one side
coming back up through center, letting them drop down to the other side
nice and slow. Just let the feet roll
to the insides and outsides as it needs to
So we're getting a little blood flow to the
low back we're starting to take the hips through their range of motion
and if you'd like to create a little vinyasa here, to
sync up the breath with the movement it's an
inhale breath as you come up through center and then exhale as you go down to
one side
inhale as you come back up and an exhale down to the other side
so keeping with that deep belly breath that we did before
and then go ahead and come back up to the center.
just gonna scoot my feet in a little bit
and then pick up my right foot and bring my knee toward my chest
and then go ahead and start to do some hip circles
so when I come close to my body and bending my knee
and then as you go away from your body you're going to extend the leg
so just let your hips rock from side to side really wanna take
the leg through the full range of motion here
and just do a nice and slow it's definitely not a race
go ahead and switch directions
continuing to breathe
and return that foot back down and we'll do the other side
think about scooping the head of your femur
into your hip socket like your kind of trying to get
the last little bit a peanut butter out of that jar - scooping around
to get the synovial fluid moving in the joint, warm up the joints
so a lot of times if we have back pain it's because our hips are super tight
and for those of us who are carrying children
our center of gravity is a little bit off so our body doesn't quite know what to do
with itself!
alright so once you finish that side here we're gonna return
both feet down to the mat and then we'll go ahead
and take the strap - you wanna loop the strap
around the ball of the foot intake the leg
straight up into the air
so we want the leg along and arms long so if you're
trying to be really close by to your face and
your knee is bent and you're straining up off the floor that's not what we want. so
take your leg as far away from your face as you need to
to be able to have the leg comfortably straight. so for some of us the
hamstrings are talking to us right now and that's okay (laughter)
Just breathe into the hamstring
kinda just a little imagination experiment
inhale deep into the belly and then as you exhale see if you can
imagine sending the breath to wherever you're feeling the sensation
wherever you're feeling the stretch just hold here and breathe for a few minutes
if you like you can take that
other leg and lengthen it along the floor and really press out through the
heel so that leg
doesn't go lazy and just fall off to the side really press through the heel
if you do that and it hurts your low back just keep the knee bent
alright so I'll take both sides of the strap in the left-hand
take your right thumb and put it into your right hip crease you can sort of roll
that hip away from you
and then just come across your body about three or four
inches and you're gonna feel some sensation on the outside of this right leg
if you come over like this and your hip rolled up off the ground you went too
So just breathe here.
all right we're gonna come back up to center you can either bring your foot
back down to the floor
or you can just catch the strap with the other foot. and we're gonna do it on the
other side
so leg is long arms are long
the side might feel completely different Think about flexing your toes
toward your face
if kneecap is kinda to the center to the midline of the body
or if your leg has splayed out to one side or maybe to the inside even
Then take both sides of the strap
in the right-hand take your left thumb, put in your hip crease and roll the hip away
from you
and then just come across the body just a few inches
until you feel that sensation that outside of the left leg
all right come back to center and let go of the strap
bring that foot back down
and this time you're gonna bring your right knee into your chest
and then take the knee wide, like out toward your armpit or toward your
and then you're just gonna bring the lower leg up toward the ceiling
and I'm gonna show you with a strap -
just put the strap around the foot and then think about pulling
that knee down toward the floor, toward your shoulder or armpit
now you want to make sure that this hip stays down we don't want to roll over to one side
so maybe even take your hand and press the hip down you can let the knee
fall out to the side
but the main thing we want to work on is bringing that knee
down toward the floor and have your foot flexed
like you're doing a half a sumo squat on the ceiling
this is actually happy baby pose we're just doing on one side
so if you know happy baby and you wanna do both legs at the same time that's
totally fine but sometimes one side
it's a little bit easier on us if our hips are really tight or back is
really painful. Alright, go ahead
and remove the strap, we'll do that on the other side
bring your left knee up and out toward
your armpit, and lasso your foot
and go ahead and find that on the other side to really bring the knee down
toward the shoulder, toward the floor keep this hip down
with your hand and breathe.
alright, so release that strap
and return that foot to the mat.
and we're gonna come to our hands and knees so gently roll to one side
and then you can press yourself up and will come
to hands and knees. If your knees are sensitive
I recommend putting a blanket underneath them
you can also take another yoga mat and kinda double that up
and stick it underneath your knees.
so we're gonna do a couple rounds of cat and cow
so bring your hands a little bit in front of the shoulders, let the index fingers
point straight ahead
and spread the fingers wide. knees are directly under the hips
and the feet come straight back you can tuck or or untuck the toes, it's up to you
On the inhale let the tailbone rise belly drops down toward the mat, lift
the chest, lift the gaze. On the exhale let the tailbone drops, bellly draws in,
arch the upper back like an angry cat head comes down last.
We'll go the other way - inhale, tailbone rises
belly drops down toward the mat, lift the chest, lift the gaze
exhale, tailbone tucks, belly draws toward the spine, heart draws toward the spine,
head comes down last like a Halloween cat. Inhale lift
exhale tuck
so you're gonna do this at your own pace with your
own breath for a couple more rounds really flexing and extending the spine
finding that whole range of movement all through the spine
pressing through the hands
really pressing into the upper back on that arch
and coming to neutral.
so we're gonna do a couple lunges next
all right so you're gonna want your blocks for this next part
we are gonna do some some low lunges
what I'm gonna do is have the block to give me a little bit more room to get my
leg through
especially if you have a belly that's growing then you're gonna want to
not run into yourself here so I'm gonna take both blocks and bring them
to the left half of my mat
and then step my right foot forward. I'm using the block to keep my chest
lifted up
my right toes are pointed straight ahead my left knee is down on the mat and I've
got my toe extended
you can tuck that toe if you want or keep it long and then I'm just gonna start to
drop my hips down toward the mat
so the main thing you wanna check for is this knee -
we don't wanna go past the ankle so if that happens you just use scoot your foot
I'm really pressed down through
equally through the front foot and also through the back knee to ground it down
to the mat
and then just let the hips sink down toward the mat
so you can bring your hand up on your thigh
you can stay on the block you walk the block back in really just find a way
to start to let the hips relax let gravity do the work
and breathe. if you feel like your belly is crashing into your thigh just kinda
move it off to the side so you can move it to the center
if that still doesn't work for you you can crawl your right foot
a little more toward the side of your mat you've got a little wider base for
your lunge
bring both the hands to the blocks and gonna straighten this leg
then just drag that that back so my knees meet up
Walk my blocks to the other side and bring my left foot forward this time
so again I wanna make sure that I'm stable here
and then I'm gonna start to sink my pelvis down towards the mat now for me
it's a little more comfortable to bring my hand
up to my thigh and can give myself a little bit a leverage here
or you can keep your hands on the blocks
maybe it will be more comfortable for you to be this way
with your hands kinda framing your foot just experiment
see what feels good to your body make sure to make room for your belly so you're
either going to
kinda just move everything to the center or crawl your foot out toward
the side of the mat
lift the chest, let the pelvis
sink down toward the mat opening up through the hip flexor
keep breathing into the belly
alright so I'm going to plant my hands on the blocks and then
drag this foot back to meet the other and then I'm gonna come to standing so
I'll bring my blocks out front
and then just step one foot up and step up the other foot up so you kinda
come into
a low a forward fold here and then I'm just gonna roll up
gently one vertebrae at a time until I come
to standing. We're gonna do a couple poses here that are really great for
the hip
and the low back - standing poses - the first we're gonna do is
side angle pose - to come into this you're going to stand facing the long side of
your mat
and then go ahead and widen your feet to a wide stance - turn your right toes
so they face right to the short side of your mat and the left toes
in just about 30 degrees. You may have to play with the angle that
to see what's comfortable for you for your knee, for your hip
and they were gonna do is bend into this front knee
again make sure the knee doesn't come past the ankle if it does just
crawl that foot forward a little bit take your right forearm place that on your
right thigh
take your left hand to your hip and spin your chest
open so this is a twist and also a lunge, and
at the lot of things but we really want that twisting motion. So your shoulders
are stacked one above the other use that leverage if your arm on the thigh and
spin your chest open
and then you can lift your arm straight up into the air
take a moment here
and if you'd like you can try taking that arm up and
over the ear with the palm facing the floor so this where you have one long
line from your back heel
all the way up the side body and out that arm and then use that left arm to
cartwheel yourself back up
parallel the feet and then left toes go out
right toes go in, go ahead and bend through that front knee
left forearm comes to thigh, spin the chest open
and then lift that arm up and you can either stay here
or maybe tried arm up and over the ear
experiment with where the neck feels good to look - maybe up at the lifted arm,
maybe at the floor, maybe just straight ahead in front of you
and use that left arm to bring you back up
then parallel the feet and then just step 2 feet together
that's it! thanks for downloading and practicing with me
I hope you come see me again at
