Sunday 16 April 2017

Yoga tips for beginner

hi this is Alex and I want to answer question and we use this in a moment
the question is what do you consider the best postures for women who complain
frozen shoulders ok so we're starting with the yoga assumption assumption that
yoga can actually do something
we're starting with the assumption that a yoga pose could do something so let's
just break that down for a second i personally would not start with poses
what we want to start with is one of two things one of three things the very
first thing you should do if you haven't yet
you don't remember it let's check out google Headley's video on youtube
it's called the fuzz speech the fuzz speech by feel heavy
you've got to check this out because it in a short nutshell it shows the one of
the fundamental reasons we could get a frozen shoulder as many reasons could be
mental could be emotional could be physical as a source as a reason we
might be further but but in a two large degree
there's a sense that this won't move and then tissue builds up around
so for the person who's that for who that is the case that the tissues won't
work others pain involved then posed the last thing i would do one of the last
things i would do tip to preempt to set the shoulder up for success those two
things anymore
one is pain free movement and two is to introduce change from the outside
so patriot movement might look something like this and walk in and I see this
shoulders present it hurts if I move it p on here
it hurts to move beyond here without knowing anything else
one thing you can do to empower me is to start working with pain free movement
now if we really opened up to being created to let go of assumption
terms and even what we think may never know we might just start out with
what's simple movement don't give me success without pain
now what this does is it starts to connect movement with joy
with pleasure if this feels good or the very least doesn't feel bad that my
nervous system says let's have some more than I like that
so we can start to build the movement pattern many many exercises you could do
you can take any exercise and start with this idea of successful movement in a
pain free range of motion
breathing relaxing align the nervous system to learn and you can develop
bigger and bigger movements
now the next level of specificity and skill would be to say what is the
shoulder do what going to do and what can we take it to do next
so remember that there's a few specific range of motion that build up all the
movement patterns one is elevation depression internal rotation external
rotation a bead option
horizontal a deduction take it away from it like a deduction bringing it to the
middle you can take it beyond the midline
but essentially have a deduction a deduction
we've got collection and we've got extension if I forgotten you add it to
the list below right to it but I think that's awesome
we can combine them in the movement is called circumduction
so question one thing to do very specifically in very skillfully would be
to assess someone children and ask them to do each one and assess them rate them
score them how they do on each one and then we can track progress along all of
those ranges of motion and what's beautiful is you don't have to have any
exercise repertoire to simply say let's do a little bit of a production
ok hurts their great let's hang out right there and play with a few other
movement patterns and just let it be gentle with the nervous system allow for
if I can't take my hand out here with pic with being completely pain free then
strengthening challenging and loading it with force in a pose might be a horrible
idea for some a box . into shoulder flexion inflection is only one of about
nine ranges of motion that I can do might not be the best use of my energy
and time to try to help her shoulder that's really you know very upset
we're going to move the patterns is number one now I'm holding this yoga to
the ball because this is one of the best tools
it's squishy so it's gentle as a therapy call some of the best tools you could
possibly use to introduce movement on your own from the outside
now you can get our offer you can get a great body worker and i can recommend to
people they are going to really really help you if they know what they're doing
but this is a great way to to work with yourself and you've got all sorts of
wonderful muscles that will affect your shoulder
so again without knowing anything about wine that shoulder is frozen in the
first place
we know that the heck minor is a really rich source of really your rotator cuff
muscles your SuperSpeed NATO's you teres minor interest in infraspinatus your
subscapularis you can take in there with your thumb
these are muscles that are really super wonderful central movement from the
outside then working in to adopt by your laps your straightest emptier all these
muscles are
really wonderful to introduce movement on the outside and you don't have a
therapy ball
you can use an apple more seriously
you can just work from the outside and so most subtle movement from the outside
concerns a break up scar tissue and introduce my circulation to allow for
for the movement that needs to come into healing to happen
so these are the two things
pain free movement patterns in your basic directions of movement for the
shoulder play with pain free movement patterns that injury that involve all of
your joints including your neck is much more skillful and highly leveraged that
a particular pose you can do and then once you've got a good foundation
through the movement and through soft tissue or that you do on yourself or
someone else introduces 40 then you deserve to challenge yourself with
particular poses a health for a bit longer period of time
always keeping in mind that would actually creates healing heal
here is the connection between the effort you're producing and the sense of
ease and comfort that you're holding
when you work too hard he actually did some damage survey to hold the original
definition of an awesome
and even if younger which is that intersection that the the place in meant
the middle between effort and ease
so I hope that's helpful to really think through what would be really beneficial
for someone with a frozen shoulder and any questions email me at alex at

Plescia . com